
Filtration in cooling circulating water

Filtration in cooling circulating water applications can help customers solve the following problems:

1: Improve equipment heat exchange efficiency and reduce energy consumption:

The sludge attached to the surface of the heat exchanger forms an insulating layer, which reduces the heat exchange capacity of the equipment. As the sludge thickens, the cooling efficiency of heat exchange decreases, resulting in an increase in energy consumption. The filter removes the particles that can form a large amount of sediment, so the fouling coefficient is reduced, the sludge scale is reduced, and the effect of low energy consumption and high cooling capacity is achieved.

2: Improve chemical performance and save pharmaceutical costs:

Impurities adsorb and consume chemicals used to prevent scaling, settling and corrosion, so dirty water requires more chemicals than clean water and is less effective. Fungicides are also consumed by impurities, which at the same time provide bacteria or algae with a place to live and nutrients. The filter can effectively remove suspended impurities, ensure the efficient operation of the water treatment process, and reduce the dosage of chemicals, so as to achieve high water quality at a low cost of chemicals

3: Reduce maintenance costs and downtime probability

The deposition of dirt increases the pressure of the water pump, blocks the cooling tower, contaminates the packing, reduces the heat transfer efficiency, and must be cleaned and maintained regularly. The traditional process of cleaning the circulating water system involves draining the water from the light cooling tower and removing the sedimented sludge in the cooling pool. This results in the cost of maintenance, labor, water, water chemicals and downtime. The use of a filtration system allows the circulating water to reach a state of equilibrium, thereby greatly reducing these costs.

4: Increase the concentration ratio, save water and pharmaceutical costs

In many cases, the reason why the cooling circulating water is excessively discharged is that there are too many impurities in the water, not the limitation of TDS, hardness, PH and other indicators. Excessive sewage discharge leads to the reduction of the concentration ratio of circulating water, which greatly increases the waste of water and the cost of chemicals. After the filter system is adopted, impurities can be effectively removed, the concentration ratio can be maximized, and the water and pharmaceutical costs can be reduced.


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